晚餐時段供應有限點心品種及數量,售完即止 Limited selection and quantity of Dim Sum available at dinner.
晚餐點心 5pm - 8:30pm

小籠包 Soup Dumpling (6 pcs) $9.3

蝦餃 Har Gaw

排骨 Sparerib

黑金流沙包 Black Gold Salty Egg Yolk Bun

鮮蝦雞肉春卷 Shrimp & Chicken Egg Roll

燒賣 Sui Mai

鳳爪 Chicken Feet

叉燒包 BBQ Pork Bun

甜品 Dessert

楊枝甘露 Mango Pomelo Sago $7.3

桂花紅豆糕 Osmanthus Red Bean Cake $7.3

紅豆沙 / 紅豆糖水 Red Bean Soup $5.3

芒果布甸 Mango Pudding $7.3

茶位 免費 / Free of Charge

1. 茉香玉露 Jasmine Jade Dew

2. 南山壽眉 Shoumei

3. 杭州白菊 Chrysanthemum

4. 原味烏龍 Heavy Oolong

5. 雲南普洱 Pu Erh

All items and item prices in this menu is subject to change without prior notice. 

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

Allergy statement: Menu items may contain or come into contact with WHEAT, EGGS, PEANUTS, TREE NUTS, and MILK.
For more information, please speak with a manager.
警告: 本店的食材可能接觸過麥, 蛋, 花生, 及牛奶. 如您有過敏的疑慮, 請告訴我們的管理人員