合家歡家庭套餐 Family Set Dinner

龍蝦或蟹套餐 Lobster or Crab

烹飪選擇:        龍蝦(兩磅以上)或大蟹(一隻) Lobster (at least 2LB) or Crab

芝士焗 Cheese Baked,薑蔥炒 Sauteed with Ginger and Green Onion,
豉油王 Sauteed Supreme Soy Sauce,避風塘 Sauteed with Hot Pepper and Garlic,上湯焗 Poached with Broth ,蒜蓉蒸 Steamed with Minced Garlic

$198 套餐 (4-6位)
由 [時蔬豆腐類] [豬牛家禽類] [海鮮類] [鐵板煲仔類]小菜餐牌中任選小菜四款

$328 套餐 (8-10位)
由 [時蔬豆腐類] [豬牛家禽類] [海鮮類] [鐵板煲仔類]小菜餐牌中任選小菜八款

$198 Set Dinner (4-6People)

Choose 4 items from the following categories:
[Vegetables and Tofu] [Pork Beef Poultry] [Seafood] [Hot Plates Clay Pots]. Choose a soup and choose a dessert

$328 Set Dinner (8-10People)
Choose 8 items from the following categories:
[Vegetables and Tofu] [Pork Beef Poultry] [Seafood] [Hot Plates Clay Pots]. Choose a soup and choose a dessert7

片皮鴨套餐 Peking Duck Set Dinner

烹飪選擇:     片皮鴨 兩食  We will cook the remain duck meat for a different dish.

$198 套餐 (4-6位)
由 [時蔬豆腐類] [豬牛家禽類] [海鮮類] [鐵板煲仔類]小菜餐牌中任選小菜四款

$328 套餐 (8-10位)
由 [時蔬豆腐類] [豬牛家禽類] [海鮮類] [鐵板煲仔類]小菜餐牌中任選小菜八款

$198 Set Dinner  (4-6People)
Choose 4 items from the following categories:
[Vegetables and Tofu] [Pork Beef Poultry] [Seafood] [Hot Plates Clay Pots]. Choose a soup and choose a dessert

$328 Set Dinner (8-10People) 
Choose 8 items from the following categories:
[Vegetables and Tofu] [Pork Beef Poultry] [Seafood] [Hot Plates Clay Pots]. Choose a soup and choose a dessert7

選湯或羹一份 甜品一份 Choose a soup and a dessert

酸辣湯 Hot and Sour Soup
西湖牛肉羹 West Lake Beef Tofu Soup
雞茸粟米羹 Minced Chicken and Corn Soup
紅豆糕 Red Bean Cake
紅豆沙 Red Bean Soup